The park it's self is a perfect example of human escapism, it is a highly contrasted are designed to take away the strains created by city life.
however it has turned into a highly social space, mostly occupied by students when the sun is out which can sometimes be a deterrant to the other locals in the area as usually alchohol is consumed and the general peacefulness is disregarded.
From the air it is quite clear that the space is man made, sitting quite oddly in a diamond shape in the middle of high urbanisation.

the space is meant to be a source of escapism in the city but when you go there you still get the feeling you are not truly free, however it is still used in the context it was intended to be used for, a place for residents to walk dogs and just "escape" for a moment.
on the other hand,after hors hyde park is completely avoided, becoming a dark hub of crime and general anti social activites, with no lighting it is the perfect blueprint for such activites.
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